Sisters of Glass

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Auri cocks an eyebrow, "What's that supposed to mean "

"Independent as hell. Born five centuries too late, sees himself as a knight in black ostrich hide. Used to be a cop, but doesn't give a rat's hind end about law. Convince him you're the underdog, and he'll never quit—not while he breathes."

"And you think you can sell him "

"I can sell him."

"Why should I believe you this time "

"He's saavy, tough, survival instincts of a mink."

She opens the door to go, "He's so damned good, why doesn't he work for you "

Tate had hoped she wouldn't ask. "Something happened, he walked away."

"What "

He says nothing.

With an exasperated laugh, she appraises him with a slow shake of her head, eyes industrial diamond. "Little boys and their secrets. Okay, lets try this: Give me a reason to stay or I'm gone."

Heart stone, Tate looks out over the waters of 2030 L.A.. Did Judas feel this way "He reads minds, that reason enough "

She shuts the door, sits, leans forward, eager, "So, tell me."

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