An American Angler in Australia

作者:Zane Grey  
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Australia brings to mind images of the Great Barrier Reef, great white sharks, huge crocodiles and friendly people. Zane Grey fished everywhere, but he often found himself lured back to the Pacific especially around Australia and New Zealand. Most of the fish caught in An American Angler in Australia are sharks (great white, tiger, even a few carpet!) but you can't go big game fishing in Australia and not expect to be teased by marlins. The Brothers Grey recount their many adventures stalking game fish around the globe. R.C.'s 1930 volume tells of how Zane introduced him to the world of deep-sea fishing, which became a lifelong passion. He recalls many of the trips they took in search of leviathans. Zane's 1937 title recounts his adventures in Australia, where among the many trophies he landed was a world-record tiger shark. Both titles include numerous photos.
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